19 September 2006

In the Name of Spreading the Shopping News

I'm shamelessly cribbing from The Liquid Muse (with permission, of course). Natalie just posted a story on Peruse.com, a single-shopping-cart-wish-list-type about-to-be launched site. It has lots of promise as a way to combine all wish lists into one place. And you can share those lists - and collaborate on them - with anyone you wish. Never mind that it's the brainchild of a smart young woman...all the more reason to use it...support the cause of women everywhere and check out Natalie's story...


Anonymous said...

How does this website benefit women WHATsoever??? It's just one more reason for women to get caddy about one another, by (a)being able to see all each other's purchases (b) being able to check out each other's "wish lists" and (c) being able to compare what they've all purchased for each other -
Sounds to me like just another way for the fakest of the fake to waste their time "perusing" on the internet - it will never create buying incentive
Why in the world would I buy a purse (even if it was the IT-bag of the season) if I could go on-line, and just by logging on to some imitation of myspace be able to see that 12 of my friends have it -
It's like showing up to the biggest social event of the season in the same dress as 6 other women there.
i.e. NOT Cool

Alison Santighian said...

Anonymous - I hear you, it is a frivolous, and not particularly deep way to spend time.

However, it's fun, potentially (depending on how well the site works), and there are plenty of women out there who do like to share tips about finds.

Have to say, that while you have valid points, I think that, quite frankly, this site just isn't for you, then. It's the wonderful choice we have in a free-market society. And peruse.com may just be meeting a demand that hasn't been met yet. Kudos to Kennedy for finding a way to make money on it.

If by benefiting women, you're refering to my comment about how using it would benefit women everywhere, I'll rebut by saying that women supporting other women in business is part of how we can choose to spend the money we do spend, if we're at all interested in promoting the "cause" of women. If I have a choice, I'd rather spend with a solid, smart, woman-owned business than an equal "traditional" business. As long as it's solid and smart, though, and of equal quality.

Love to hear what else you have to say?

Anonymous said...

Not to harp on what the first "anonymous" said, but I may also have a problem with someone defining Kennedy as "young" and "smart" when the creator has been linked to saying these types of things about herself - See below:


(zhate - http://zhate.com)

Even if she is a woman, should we be supporting her business when she is clearly so egotistical and self-centered??
She certainly isn't a good example of this world's brightest future career women, so I guess I would have to agree that harping on what a great job she's done probably isn't the best way for her to take a serious reality check, which is probably what she needs to do most.