23 May 2007

Shop in Style: Vivi Spring Sale

Vivi is one of my favorite stores in the area. A lovely little space in the middle of hip-happenin' Bethesda, it's home to sleek, sophisticated pieces for your abode. Let's put it this way: if I had space, I would've forced H to register there, too, because I love their stuff so much. But it just wasn't practical at the time - and our registry was all about the practicality (except for the ice cream maker - completely impractical, but oh, such a great present!).

Starting Friday and running through 3 June, Vivi's having their spring sale, with 15% all in-stock items. As the prices are sometimes higher than a girl can spare, every little bit helps. And then you can swing by National Jean Company on the way out and spend the rest of the cash that you supposedly saved.

7254 Woodmont Avenue
Bethesda, Maryland

Pictured: Hugs Salt and Pepper Shakers


BabsieD said...

Bizarro--I just looked up those exact S&P shakers for an upcoming post! Aren't they just the cutest?!?!?

Alison Santighian said...

Absolutely. In a sophisticated way. And will work for a Halloween party in a pinch ;-)