02 May 2008

Style Scoop: DC Scout Birthday Party

'Cause I know you were waiting to hear...
yes, I did put the sweater in the drycleaning bag.
I did manage to get out the door, allbeit in a completely different ensemble than the one planned.

More to follow, but it was lovely to meet the brains and style behind Fashion is Spinach, Project Beltway, and Righteous (re)Style, and to meet a couple of Post staffers and publicists I've only known online. "We met on the internet" is becoming quite the In Statement.


Righteous (re)Style said...

Hi! It was great to meet you last night! BTW, I loved your shoes last night - you should post a pic!

Ms. Spinach said...

Hi! So great to meet you too! I am still thinking about the mac 'n cheese from Tackle Box...

Yes, pics of the Chie Miharas are definitely in order!

See you soon!