03 September 2008

Style Flashback: Not Like Teen Spirit - it just smells


I've got to get skilled at snapping people's pics with my cameraphone on the sly. Pretend I'm txting or something.

I didn't figure it out until I got back to the car, and by then, well, it would've been painfully obvious.

After mommy's Big Night Out at the ballgame (go Phils!), I stopped at the Tenleytown CVS to pick up diapers. Fun.

On my way out, there was a gaggle of girls I'll assume were AU students (maybe Wilson HS kids, though, I can never tell ages anymore).

Dressed to the nines in grunge.

I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now. Especially when it's just too "done" to be real.

If you're gonna go grunge, do it all the way. Don't pair it with suede booties and a pseudomullet. These girls looked like they wanted to project "I don't care," but really did - way too much. And they seriously looked just like the "Heathens" that used to hang in the "smoking lounge" (read: courtyard between the math and "vocational" wings) back in high school.* Teal and black plaid flannel to boot.

I know it's been on the runways in the past few seasons, but this is really one time that a trend shouldn't remotely be recycled. Nothing viable about it in the least.

*a) I know I'm dating myself with a HS that allowed smoking at all, and b) yes, yes, I know I'm being all clique-y and HS-ish by naming a group. But that was the reality that bit back then...

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