19 February 2015

Britney Survived 2007 (Now with Winner!)

Ladies, the ladies I know have had it rough lately. Nothing terrible, just one thing after another. First, a bad morning, then an especially long commute. After that, a deadline missed (by someone else, which pushes back your deadline), complicated by a cold. Or the stomach flu.

A couple of us keep saying that 2015 is gonna be the year of change, and the year of Great Things. I may have said that myself lately, more than a few times. In the process, though, change hurts like a mofo.

So when I saw this mug in my Instagram feed this morning, I kinda just had to. And then I realized, well, how 'bout I share some of the love? We could all use a little strength, and if it comes with a little levity, all the better, and best if there's room for your favorite caffeine. Which there is. 15oz' worth.

So, my friends, if you'd like a shot at a mug, give me your best shot, share the best craptastic story you have from your own personal life so far in 2015 in the comments. It can be funny, serious, silly, or morbid. I have no strict rules, just that you have to share your story in the comments here on the blog (not on Facebook or my other social media channels) by 12:00am March 1, 2015. That gives you 2 more weeks, even, to come up with more soul crushing insanity. Then I'll peruse the stories and pick one, and post a winner on my Facebook page, as the easiest way to let folks know, and find a way to get it to you. (Hint, hint, follow me over there!)

Go on. Give it your best shot.

Winner Update: Deb, this mug is yours. I'm all about putting this mug in front of that sort of soul-crushing behavior. Stand tall, sit straight, and drink up. (I'll be in touch to get the mug to you.)

Thanks to all of you puke-ridden candidates (really, there's a lot of vomit lately). Wish I could give you all something to get through...so maybe I'll find a way for another contest soon.


Unknown said...

My 6 year old having head lice after a week of cleaning up vomit from the stomach flu that hit each person in my house. Enough said!

Alison Santighian said...

Allison, that might be a front runner. LORDY

31204ever! said...

Two year old has had the barfs three times in five weeks? And all the rest of us have had it once each? I am running away from home soon.

Unknown said...

I thought 2014 was one of my most challenging professional years ever. I started the year scrambling to find new work. I'm a contractor that must have a billable project. I finally found one with a miserably long commute and a team that didn't really want me. It was pretty miserable. Then after 6 months, I was told that I had two weeks to find new work. I found a great project, with a better communte and a team that I knew I'd be happy with. Yay me! but then... I was assigned work, in which I began working with one of the most difficult people I've ever worked with in my career (in another group on our project). I call her "My Work Nemesis". I hoped that my work with her would end by January. No such luck. I have to work with her almost daily well into 2016. Here are some of the highlights. When she makes a suggestion, it is done like an order. She isn't my boss. Her ideas are always the best and if you don't take them, it's not received well. However, she is very defensive if anyone else provides suggestions on her work. After reviewing documents from my team, she proceeded to rip them apart in a meeting with superiors, as if she'd never seen them before. It appears her only goal is to make herself look good and attempt to make everyone else look bad, regardless of how it affects the client. I cringe each morning when I open my email, hoping there is not a lengthy message from her. I've taken to yelling at my screen. It's my hope that I can get through this work with my sanity. Suffice to say that due to upper management, her behavior will not change. I'd love to sit across from her in a meeting holding this coffee cup.

Alison Santighian said...

3120 4ever, barf is really really high on the list. Really high.

And Deb, those challenges are soul-crushing. I can't imagine her face if you showed up with the mug!