So I carefully dressed yesterday morning, saving my most stylish M dress (thanks, MeghansMom, for the loan!*), and packing my makeup & brushes for a pre-event touchup.
I finished up the last work task I had to get out the door, promising to be back online after my "appointment," blotted the oil off my face, put on some lipstick, threw a scarf in my hair, and begged a ride from H (I love it when he's leaving the office at the same time as me).
We're jetting down Rock Creek Park, and Oooh!
That doesn't feel so good.
No, no premature labor or Braxton-Hicks. Nothing that dramatic or glamorous.
The worst gas I've felt in a very, very, very long time.
Oh, so glamorous.
"We need to pull over somewhere. Now."
Fortunately, we were right by the turnoff at Virginia Avenue.
"A gas station?" he asks.
"Uh, no!" Eeeewww. Gas station bathrooms are so gross.
"The Watergate. The hotel at the Watergate. I'm pregnant. They have to be nice to me." I do have standards, you know.
I repeat.
"Oh. We just missed the turn."
"The Kennedy Center."
"Do they have nice bathrooms?"
"I don't care. It's close."
So he pulls in, the doorman opens the door for me (that's service, even when writhing in pain), and I dash in, down the escalator, and through the doors. It's excrutiatingly far away.
Score. The big stall is free.
Much better.
Let's just say that I was fortunate two nice ladies came in in relatively short order. I was pondering how I could dash into the next stall without being seen. Fortunately, too, they were nice, and spared multiple squares.
Ladies, I'm eternally grateful.
Eons later, I make my way out to the car, where H is, uh, patiently waiting (read: on the cell phone with work, not answering my call. Good thing there wasn't actually anything wrong with me, his pregnant wife.)
So that's the story of why I didn't get to attend the evening's festivities. I've heard that they

Authoress Kargman signing her work in front of cool Ralph Ts for women sporting lovely spring prints. Photo: Abby Greenawalt
The Kennedy Center bathrooms, by the way, are perfectly acceptable, and good to remember if you're ever in the area.
And I promise a review of Momzillas when I get a chance.
*One of the best things about impending motherhood is the Sharing of Clothes. We women should do it more often, quite frankly. I wouldn't be able to get to work comfortably and happily without the help of my friends.
The Kennedy Center bathrooms, by the way, are perfectly acceptable, and good to remember if you're ever in the area.
And I promise a review of Momzillas when I get a chance.
*One of the best things about impending motherhood is the Sharing of Clothes. We women should do it more often, quite frankly. I wouldn't be able to get to work comfortably and happily without the help of my friends.
Haha, that's hilarious, though. Glad a nice place worked out.
Indeed. Hilarious. Boy, do you make me look forward to the journey to motherhood. Not that I'm quite there... maybe next year. I like my cocktails for now, thank you very much.
But, I love living vicariously through you!!!!
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