13 October 2009

I gave in to trend...

I hit Tyson's on Saturday afternoon, hoping beyond all hopes to add some roomy but stylish garb to my wardrobe (I'm in a terrible between phase, where most M clothes look huge and cow-like on me, but "regular" stuff is iffy. Even my new beloved Phillies jersey won't button over my bump. Sigh.).

I did shop, and I did find a few things, including today's Pretty-Woman-polo-scene-inspired dress. Granted, it's navy & white rather than brown & cream, but it's shapely and sweet, and I can wear my Modern Vintage riding boots (score from the spring DSS) with it.

H yelled at me when I got home, because I'd bought bags of things for The Bean, Original Version. She needed things, daggoneit. Thin cotton pants won't do for an October playground, and sunhats are only good for so long...a pumpkin beret and two courdory caps were necessities.

The big purchase, though?


Sigh. Never thought I'd go there. I couldn't stand them in high school, the first time around. They've been wearing me down this time around, unlike their blue/black plaid lumbershirt counterparts (shudder, seriously). BlueSuitGirl and I were both coveting a particular military-inspired grey pair on a pitstop to our Girls Weekend a while back.

So I bought them Saturday (on sale, too!). If my back weren't killing me today (sigh again), I'd be wearing them, paired with tights and a skirt. Can't wait to show them off.


Miss Scarlet said...

If you think they're okay, then I'm willing to try them, too. I need some new shoes and maybe something like this will work out well.

Alison Santighian said...

Miss Scarlet, it took me a long time to come around. but they are super comfy, and even sexy, if you get the right pair and pair them with the right outfit. the detailing and shape are important. they'd be good work shoes...