05 February 2012

Winter Girl Confession

I get giddy when it snows, no matter how much. I adore the cold. When H is away, I sleep with the windows open. And you know that picture of the Danish baby outside a shop in the cold that made the rounds? That would be my beans.

So all that being said, despite the fact that I haven't yet really been able to bundle up and enjoy frigid temperatures, I somehow have beach on the brain. Perhaps it's about taking the beans on the sand, running them up and down the promenade down tha shore.

Or perhaps it's complete embarassment about the complete and total schlump I was during last year's nearly month-long jaunt. I brought nice clothes with me. I swear.

And while I won't give up my beloved Beach Patrol sweatshirt, I absolutely promise I'll do better this year. I may not lose the weight I want to in time (though I will try my darnest), I've started to pin some possible pieces - and some pie-in-the-sky cabana inspiration to my SeasidePoolside board on Pinterest.

Thanks, Belle, for the original pin of Marchesa Resort 2012. Because we all need a little resort collection in our lives.

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