01 June 2012

Favorite Post: The Ties That Bind

I think I used this as one of my last Favorite Posts. I don't care. It is one of my favorites. I picked this today because I'm wearing my Mom-Mom's brass bow brooch in what I think (you be the judge) is a throroughly modern way. At least it's modern for those of us who have a small obsession with The New Bowtie, a la DC's best, my faves (and also Very Cool People) Accoutre or Ciao Nina.

So here's the story of how my "vintage bow tie" found its way into my jewelry box.

3 - Mom-Mom's bow brooch (Priceless). Photos 1 & 2 via Eliot and Nina's sites, linked above. Pleaseandthankyoupleasedontsueme.

Today's Favorite Post brought to you by sheer exhaustion last night that thwarted my noble attempts (OK, thwarted even before I started) to style one of Lee's ballgown options in the Style Dilemma Chelsea and I are solving. We both crashed. And we both plan (hope?) to have some #belleoftheball posts up on Monday for you to weigh in. Hope. If you're desperate for the possibilities and have to give us your opinion, Chelsea has a bunch of them posted over on her blog, here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I went back to read your 'vintage bow tie' story and I see how is is so special.
I met Eliot last night and he is fabulous and I want my husband to wear one of his awesome bow ties.