27 August 2008

Amusing Style

As always, one day after I say I'm going to take a break, I find something that Just. Has. To. Be. Posted. Funny Anecdote to Follow.

We wake up this morning to lovely babbling (and "MamAAAAH!") from the crib (we made it all the way 'til 5am - victory!). Out of bed, morning abolutions for the girls, Bean and H have breakfast (Mommy doesn't eat til at work 'cause she has too much to do), and back in our room to get ready. H disappears into the bathroom for his morning abolutions.

A few minutes later, I hear the clippers going. "Ah, trimming his beard,"* I think.

After he emerges, I dash in to get something, and roll my eyes at the whiskers in the sink.

"You have to rinse this out when you're done shaving," I cry.

"I wasn't shaving," he says.

"Well what were you doing?" I ask.

"Clipping my eyebrows."

With electric clippers.

"I get these really long ones," he defends. I've been after him for years to trim those suckers. I've given up getting him to go get plucked or waxed. I'll just relish the Mediterranean goodness that he is. But CLIPPERS?

Oh dear. Erwin and Azi must be fainting dead away.

*a goatee, people, not a full-grown beard!

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