Thanks, Lincx, for helping me share my devilish Daslus with my (infintessimal) readership. A quick trip to our building's "penthouse" patio, with it's lovely views of downtown Clarendon, was all it took. And yes, it was chilly. But so worth it.
I'm not getting the immense response to them I got the other day, but I am in an office with mostly men. Interestingly, nor am I getting the onceover like I got (mostly from women, though) when we went out that night.

I'm terribly proud of them, and I'd love to hear thoughts...what do you really think?
I love them!
That brings me to the point of today's visit to DC Celine....
You answered a winter coat question. Do you take other questions, too? (Please say yes!)
I'm having a bit of a footwear crisis.
I found a great dark, dark brown suit on a super sale but I don't know what to wear on my feet! I don't think they make shoes dark enough for me to wear a matching brown and I'm now I'm stuck. (I've looked for brown and other colors, too) Here's the other issue...as I said, it was super on sale and the pants are a tiny, tiny bit too short to wear with my usual height heels (but the pants fall perfectly with kittens or flats) so I've got that limitation too.
I'm stuck, stuck I say. Please consider taking pity on me. Just think of the good you'll do for fashion kind in DC.
Barefoot - glad you like them...
and yes, I'll be happy to help w/ the footwear crisis - can you hang on a day or two? No pity necessary - any question welcome!
Those are frigging fabulous. Jealousy commencing in three, two...
Great, thanks!!
I dig them and you ability to pick the perfect boot for any outfit. I have yet to purchase the right boot in my entire life. Blasted calves. :(
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